
Financial Treasury and Forex Management Important Formulas

How To Prepare CS Professional Financial Treasury And Forex Management for June 2019 Exam

How To Prepare CS Professional Financial Treasury And Forex Management : Subject Overview:

Financial Treasury and Forex Management (FTFM) is the 1st subject of Group 2. This subject is usually a nightmare for the CS students because it is the only practical subject in the syllabus.  Most students choose CS for more of theory but unfortunately they have to deal with atleast some practical too. This subject is a mixture of practical and theory. Both are equally important. Theory part comes for about 45 marks and the remaining is practical. So if you think that only doing theory is going to help then you are sadly mistaken. This subject requires lot of patience and practice. It is a bit lengthy and time consuming so prepare well in advance.

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How To Prepare CS Professional Financial Treasury And Forex Management : Objective of FTFM paper in CS Professional:

Since the legal aspects of finance are becoming increasingly important and a CS is expected to successfully and effectively handle important aspects such as management of public issues, syndication of loans etc. All these essentials require expert knowledge of diverse and complex procedures involved. Realising that the services of a CS could be of immense use in this important area, it was thought necessary to include this paper with a view to equip students with the requisite fundamentals of Financial Management.

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How To Prepare CS Professional Financial Treasury And Forex Management : What is expected from the student by ICSI?

Institute aims that the students should acquire knowledge of practical aspects of the management and techniques of financial, treasury and forex management. Students are expected to be well versed with each and every concept and the meaning behind it. For practical questions, Institute wants the students to write down the assumptions used and it wants them to solve the entire question. Many students think that solving half of the question will fetch half marks then they are sadly mistaken because that is not the case. For theory questions, running around the bush is not allowed. One should keep their answers to the point.

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How To Prepare CS Professional Financial Treasury And Forex Management : Study Plan and Strategy

Preparation of this subject has to be well planned. Since this subject contains both practical and theory, they have to be handled properly.

Preparing for the Practical part:

Practice, Practice and Practice is the only key here. Once you are thorough with the concepts of a particular chapter, start solving its practical questions. When you are starting it for the very first time, solve all the questions that are in your books or notes. And when you are solving them and you come across some question where you had to stop and think twice and look at the answer too then mark this question as important and then move on. Also there may be some similar questions, so instead of solving those similar types again and again, mark one of them as important. In this way, if there are supposedly 20 questions in total and you have marked 12 as important then when you start revising, you just have to practice these 12 questions. This is smart studying.

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Preparing for Theory Part:

The theory of FTFM is quite boring the too lengthy for those 45-50 marks. But, since we have no option we have to plan for this as well. Theory can be taken up once you have set your hand on the practical part. Learning all of the theory is next to impossible, hence thorough reading time to time will help. But you will have to learn some important concepts. Writing theory in your own words is the best thing. Try to understand the concept instead of mugging up and you will do wonders.

You have to stay consistent and keep revising. Revise the chapter you did yesterday before starting a new one and this way you will never forget a concept.

How To Prepare CS Professional Financial Treasury And Forex Management : Language and Presentation:

Presentation plays an important role when it comes to a practical subject. You need to neatly present your answers and drawing up lines and boxes wherever required. If you solve a practical question like a theory question then you are bound to get the examiner irritated and loose marks. Practice solving questions as per the suggested answers of the Institute. If you create a good impression by your presentation then the examiner may give some extra marks too. Leaving any question unsolved is a big NO.

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How To Prepare CS Professional Financial Treasury And Forex Management : Chapter-specific guidance:

Lesson 1 – Nature, Significance and Scope of Financial Management

The object of the study is to enable the students to understand nature, significance and scope of financial management, various financial decisions, liquidity and profitability etc.

Lesson 2 – Capital Budgeting

After reading this chapter, students will be able to understand the need and importance of capital budgeting, factors including investment decision, kinds of capital budgeting, planning capital expenditure, capital rationing, simulation for risk evaluation etc.

Lesson 3 – Capital Structure

The object of the lesson is to enable the students to understand factors influencing capital structure, planning and designing of capital structure, optimal capital structure, capital structure theories etc.

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Lesson 4 – Cost of Capital

The objective of this lesson is to enable the students to learn about the factors influencing cost of capital of a company, calculation of cost of capital for different sources of finance, calculation of weighted and marginal cost of capital.

Lesson 5 – Financial Services

After going through this chapter, students will be able to understand the meaning of financial systems and its different components, meaning of financial services and its scope and significance, loan syndication, securitization, custodial services etc.

Lesson 6 – Project Planning

The object of the study is to enable the students to understand the meaning project planning, project appraisal by various financial institutions, project evaluation technique, loan documentation, social cost benefit analysis etc.

Lesson 7 – Dividend Policy

After reading this chapter, students will be able to understand types of dividend policy, factors affecting such policy, residual theory of dividend policy, dividend growth model, corporate dividend practices in India etc.

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Lesson 8 – Working Capital

The object of the study is to enable the student to understand concept of working capital, its determinants, operating circle, current and fixed assets financing, working capital leverage, application of quantitative techniques etc.

Lesson 9 – Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

The object of this chapter is to enable the students to understand concept of investment and security analysis, risk and its types, approaches to valuation of a security, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, portfolio management, portfolio analysis etc.

Lesson 10 – Derivatives and Commodity Exchanges – An overview

This lesson will familiarize the students with the definition and concept of derivatives, characteristics and types of derivatives, forward markets, options-put and call option, futures, swaps etc.

Lesson 11 – Treasury Management

This lesson will help the students to understand the objectives functions and scope of treasury management, role and responsibilities of treasury manager, internal treasury control, zero based budgeting etc.

Lesson 12 – Forex Management

This study will enable the students to understand the concept, scope and significance of forex management, role of forex manager, foreign exchange market, exchange forecasting rate, mechanics of forex trading, capital account convertibility etc.

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How To Prepare CS Professional Financial Treasury And Forex Management : How to Plan for examination:

This subject may take up more of your time as compared to the other 2 subjects in the group, hence plan well in advance.

One should plan his studies properly otherwise there will be chaos and the result would surely not be in your favour. To make it easier you can make your own formula book where you can write down all the formulas and see it everyday.

Since this subject requires practical knowledge too, you should be prepared and conversant with the practical concepts and their solving.

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How To Prepare CS Professional Financial Treasury And Forex Management : Important Tips:

  • Before the final exam, one should at least solve one test paper so as to know how much prepared are you and whether you are able to finish within the time limit of 3 hours.
  • Revision is a must. Keep revising the subject at proper intervals.
  • Don't let your doubts build up. Get your doubts cleared as soon as possible.
  • Writing practice is a must.
  • If you start studying earlier, then you may make your own notes too.
  • And one more thing, never ever give up. It is going to take lots of pain to study so much, but when this pain becomes a gain in the future, the happiness of that gain is beyond this universe.
  • Lastly and importantly, practical questions are the only ones in which you can fetch full marks, hence focus on the practical part first and make it your strength.


Check out our article for CS Professional Students :

Financial Treasury and Forex Management Important Formulas


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